
This just in via Jacques Lipkau-Goyard: Flyboarding. And you thought remote-control model helicopters could provide interesting camera angles?

Now imagine if you added a waterproof camera for a new take on handheld? Attach the custom accessories to your jet ski and don the special water-propelled shoes. You could be the human camera  remote head.

Lawyers may be circling in greater numbers than flyboarders in shark infested waters, so read and heed all disclaimers and liability release forms for this product and video. The video is the work of highly trained professionals (I hope)–do not attempt on your own, etc. etc. Train well, wear a helmet, major pain if you crash into the jet ski, dolphin moves under water could cause serious sinus and ear flooding (I guess nose and ear plugs recommended, as long as they stay on).

Still, it looks like a lot of fun, and could be an amazing new take on low altitude cinematography.

Rentals in the USA at Emerald Coast Flyboard

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