All four series of LEITZ Full Frame / Large Format / Leica Format cine lenses are delivering now.
- The M 0.8 series was introduced in 2016.
- THALIA came next, in 2017.
- September 2018 saw a new set of unnamed and untouchable Leica Format prime lenses inside a locked glass case at IBC. The name came in February 2019: LEITZ PRIME.
- Shortly after, LEITZ ZOOM lenses were announced.
The format pioneered by Ernst Leitz and Oskar Barnack in 1913, known as the Leica Format, became the universal standard of 24×36 mm Full Frame still photography for the next century. That same Leica Format is now embraced by cinematographers using Full Frame cine cameras from ARRI, Sony, RED, Canon and Panavision, along with mirrorless hybrid FF cameras from Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, SIGMA and of course, Leica.
LEITZ ZOOM lenses are color matched with the LEITZ PRIME lenses. No ramping. Parfocal. Breathing is minimal. Almost no distortion and chromatic aberration.
Leitz MACROLUX 114 slips onto the front of a LEITZ ZOOM or LEITZ PRIME (114mm front diameter) for high resolution, high contrast macro work. (Note, MACROLUX 95 fit Super35 Summilux-C and Summicron-C lenses with 95mm front diameters.)
Photos and specifications courtesy of Leitz.
(This is a “reprint” from August 2020 FDTimes issue 104.)