Cine Gear Honors Howard Preston

Howard Preston will receive the Cine Gear Expo 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his significant contributions to advancing the art and craft of filmmaking. Howard is head of Preston Cinema Systems, makers of Microforce, Motors, FI+Z, FX Units, 3D Wireless Controls and much more. He revolutionized the way we focus and control lenses, and elevated the task of performing smooth zooms from a two-assistant, four-handed ordeal to a delicate touch on an elegantly anodized force sensor button.  If imitation is the best form of unpatented flattery, Preston Cinema has been frequently flattered by a flurry of facsimiles.

Cine Gear Expo will be at Paramount Studios again this year. Exhibition and Premiere Seminars:  Friday, June 3, 2011 – Hours: 4:00 pm – 10:00 pm. And Saturday June 4, 2011 – Hours: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. Registration for the best high-end motion picture production show and gathering of the year is free until May 28, 2011.


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1 Response:

  1. Jakob Bonfils says:

    I would love to be there, to see Howard beeing celebrated for his excellent products. I bought my FI-Z system in 1993 and have used it ever since on my Steadicam, with absolutely no errors, the 2 motors are as precise as when new.

    There ought to be an additional prize given to Howard, for beeing such a nice and civilized person with a high grade of cultural integrity, not seen so often in the tecnical part of the film industry.

    Dear Howard, all the best for You and your wife in the years to come.

    You will always be way ahead of all the copycats….

    Jakob Bonfils, Copenhagen , Denmark

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